Mother's Day Sale!

Use code "MOM2024" to get 73% OFF The 30-Day Low Tox Road Map!

$37 $10


Your 30-day guided journey to BOLD CONFIDENCE in creating the safest environment for your family to THRIVE!

I’m so glad you’re here checking out The 30-Day Low Tox Road Map! When my son arrived in 2016, my mission was clear: create the safest environment for him to thrive in. But like many of you, I was overwhelmed by conflicting information. Determined and guided by faith, I slowly unraveled the secrets to a low tox lifestyle and now fast forward eight years later, my passion is to help you do the same. The only difference is that I want to make it so much simpler for you than it was for me. I also want you to do this in a way that's fun and stress free, which is where the Road Map comes in!

Empowering you, NOT overwhelming you!

You've probably heard people say that we moms are the heart of our homes. And I very much believe that to be true! Your energy, your attitude, and your perspective will set the tone for your family. Because of that, it is so important to me that through this process, I am able to help you create a low tox lifestyle in a simple and stress free way. My goal here is to empower you, not overwhelm you. I want to provide clarity and actionable steps, not fear or stress. Remember, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

No one is living a perfectly toxin free lifestyle, because it doesn't exist. My hope is that through my course, you're able to make simple changes to your every day life that will instantly remove toxins from your home and will allow your family to thrive.

Introducing: The 30-Day Low Tox Road Map

This Road Map is born from my years of learning and living. It's a journey of 30 simple swaps, mindset shifts, and habits, crafted to help busy moms like you seamlessly integrate a low tox lifestyle into your daily routine.

What you'll discover

✅ Simple Swaps: From hand soap to cookware, learn how to replace everyday items with healthier alternatives.

✅ Mindset Shifts: Embrace gratitude and intention in your everyday life, which can be far more impactful to your health and your family than any other swaps you may be making.

✅ Daily Habits: Small, manageable changes that make a big difference - not just in your life, but your kiddos' lives. It is incredibly powerful for them to see you being intential with your choices and setting the groundwork early on of what it looks like to take care of the bodies God's blessed us with.

Breakdown of the Road Map

Once you purchase the 30-Day Low Tox Road Map, you'll receive an email with instant access to the full program as a digital download, which includes:

  • A 30-Day checklist and printable calendar
  • 30 days of daily emails that breakdown the information into bite-sized pieces so you end each day feeling empowered NOT overwhelmed
  • My favorite safe swaps and alternatives
  • Direct links and special discount codes so you can save as you swap

The goal here is to make going low tox as simple as 10 minutes or less a day. It can literally take you less than 10 minutes to read the email, become educated and empowered on the topic, and then use one of the product links to grab your safe swap for that day!


Is this the right program for me?

If you're a busy mom looking to create a healthier home in the most simple way, this program is for you!

How much time does this require each day?

10 minutes or less! Each daily email is simple, easy to follow, and designed to give you immediate action steps that fit right into your busy life.

Will these swaps fit my budget?

Yes! The majority of these swaps, shifts, and habits that we will be going through are very affordable and many are even free.

I'm new to low tox living, is the Road Map too advanced for me?

Not at all! These swaps are simple and easy to implement and have been designed for those who are new to low tox living or those who have been low tox for a while now and want to make sure they haven't missed anything along their journey.

How do I access the program?

Once you purchase the 30-Day Low Tox Road Map, you'll receive an email with instant access to the full program as a digital download. You will also receive a daily email all 30 days to walk you along your journey.

We are in this together! 🥰

As we journey through this together, remember the most important thing you can do is to be filled with gratitude. When stress or fear arise, just breathe and refocus on the positive steps you're taking for your family. You're doing GREAT, Mama! Your kids are blessed to have you advocating for them. And if you decide this program is right for you, I would be honored to walk alongside you as you continue to learn and create a thriving environment for the people you love most!

Step 1: Enter your contact Information

Step 2: Select a payment method

Step 3: Confirm your order

*Disclaimer: Because this product is an instant digital download, no refunds are available.

Dr. Kimberly Joy


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AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: There are affiliate links included on this website and in the products. That means if you decide to click on one of the links and make a purchase, there’s a possibility I could earn a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only recommend products, services, and resources that I either use myself or believe are the best available.

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